Website SEO

An overview of our SEO services.

This page is yours to customize or drop depending on what SEO/Content services you offer. If you don’t know much about SEO at this point, I recommend finding a local colleague or company to partner up with or white-label through. Be sure to reference this amazing SEO Cheatsheet courtesty of Divi.Chat.

Otherwise, here are some ideas for SEO services to provide for your clients:


  1. SEO BOOST (ONE TIME) – One time SEO optimization service. Basic keyword research for up to 5 pages. Implement all optimized SEO to page titles, meta data and descriptions. Basic content optimization on those main pages as well. Submission to Google Search Console and Webmaster Tools. Recommended pricepoint: $499
  2. SEO BASICĀ  (ON-GOING) – Everything provided in BOOST on a monthly basis. Additional keywords targeted and content added/updated monthly. There are a ton of reporting tools out there but if you use ManageWP, you can use the advanced features to track SEO positions! Recommended pricepoint: $299/mo
  3. SEO ADVANCED (ON-GOING) – Everything in the first 2 options at a bigger level. Perhaps blogging services, content/copyrighting services, advanced monthly tracking and reporting on SEO, strategy sessions as well. Recommended pricepoint: $499/mo

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